Last week, I needed to find articles by user in different DB on the same server. The query won’t be used in code, it is just for a quick check. So I decided to make a subquery between DBs.

The structure is like this:

- MongoDB Server
    - account DB
        - user Collection
            - _id
            - username
            - etc
    - content DB
        - article Collection
            - _id
            - user_id: refer to accounts.user._id
            - title
            - etc

After some googling and trial and error, I came up with this solution:

  1. Connect to MongoDB server.
  2. Run the query below:
    use account;
        .find({ user_name: 'hassan' }, { _id: 1 })
        .forEach((user) => {
            db.getSiblingDB('content') // use content DB to query articles owned by a user
                .article.find({ user_id: user._id }, { _id: 1, title: 1 })
                .forEach((article) => {
                    var result = { user_id: user._id, article_id: article._id, title: article.title };